How To Make Goals as a Homemaker

The new year is around the corner and you might be thinking about goals for the new year. Setting homemaking goals can be difficult, but it’s worth it. We all have things we want to accomplish in life, and being a homemaker is no different.

But what are homemaking goals? How do you set them? And how can you reach them? In this blog post, you will find tips for setting your own homemaking goals and keeping track of them.

What Is a Homemaking Goal?

In short, a homemaking goal is anything that helps you make your home a better place.

It could be as simple as eating at home as a family two nights per week or as complex as organizing all of your closets so they’re more efficient. The possibilities are endless!

How To Set Goals As A Homemaker

Once you’ve identified what your goals are (and if they seem impossible… don’t worry!), the next step is to set some reasonable steps toward achieving those goals.

For example, if one of your homemaking goals is “eat dinner together twice per week,” then you might want to start off by planning ahead so that there’s no excuse for not making dinner happen!

Or maybe your goal is to have a clean kitchen at the end of the day. To achieve this goal quicker every night, you might ask for some help with cleaning up after dinner every night or every other night.

Think about how you can make small changes that will help you achieve your goal, and then start working towards them!

You may have heard about SMART goals before but aren’t really sure what they mean or how they apply to your life as a homemaker. Below, I’ll explain what SMART goals are and why they’re so helpful for setting homemaking goals!

What are SMART goals?

SMART goals are a type of goal-setting that you can use to reach your goals.

SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound. They’re easy to understand and usually more likely to be achieved than vague or open-ended ones.

How to write your S-M-A-R-T goal

1. S – Specific

When setting your homemaking goal, be specific about what you want to accomplish. Think about this as the mission statement for your goal. This isn’t a detailed list of how you’re going to meet the goal, but

it should include an answer to these popular ‘w’ questions:

  • What – Think about exactly what you are trying to accomplish in your home, and don’t be afraid to get very detailed.
  • Why – What is the reason for this particular goal?

Some examples:

“I want to be able to pay off my credit card debt.”

“Eat dinner together twice per week”

“I want a clean kitchen every evening of the week.”

“I want to renovate the bathroom”

2. M – Measurable

Make sure your homemaking goals are measurable! For example, one goal might be “make sure we eat at home as a family two nights a week.”

This is a very specific goal that will be easier to achieve than general statements like “I want my family to eat together more often” or “I want our family dinners to be fun.”

You can evaluate whether or not this goal was successful by looking at how many nights out of the week you did eat together and how much fun those dinners were for everyone involved. Measurement can really be anything how you can measure your progress.

Some examples

3. A – Achievable

When setting your goal, it’s important that it is something you can actually achieve. Be reasonable with yourself and don’t set yourself up for disappointment by setting goals that are too high and out of reach.

For example, if you have never renovated a room in your house before, don’t attempt to redo the kitchen on your own without help. Instead, start small by setting a goal like “I will give this small nightstand a makeover.” Small projects will grow your confidence to tackle the bigger goals.

3. R – Relevant

How relevant is this particular goal to your overall homemaking goal? For example, let’s use the “eat dinner together twice per week” goal again, it should be something that’s in alignment with the overall homemaking goals and aspirations.

4. T – Time-Bound

Set a deadline for your goal. This is important because it will give you a sense of urgency and focus, and help you stay on track when things get tough.

Make sure that the deadline is realistic. It’s easy to get excited about setting an ambitious goal, but if it’s too far off in the distance, then it can be hard to keep motivated until then (or even decide whether or not this is something worth working towards).

Don’t be afraid to break down your goal into smaller steps. For example: “be able to cook dinner for my family every day” could be broken down into “learn how to make spaghetti,” which could itself be broken down further into tasks like buying noodles and tomato paste at the grocery store; making a shopping list; cooking them along with meatballs; etc… This way, you’ll feel like you’re already making progress even before reaching your final goal!

Write your goal down and make it visible

The first step in reaching your goal is to write it down. The second step is to make sure that you keep it visible so you can see it daily. The third step is to share your goals with other people and let them know how important they are because sharing makes them more real, and when something’s real, we’re more likely to take action towards reaching them.

  • Write down your goal on a piece of paper or in an app like Evernote or Trello so that you don’t forget about it.
  • Make sure you put it somewhere prominent—like right next to the mirror where you brush your teeth every morning or on your fridge.
  • Share these goals with other people who can help hold you accountable for achieving them: friends and family members who have similar interests as yours are great candidates for sharing our aspirations.

Give Yourself Grace

Making lasting changes for your family is hard work. It takes time. And it’s easy to feel frustrated at how slow the process might be.

It’s easy to get frustrated, and that negative talk in your head is tempting. You know the voice—it tells you what a failure you are and reminds you how many times you slipped up

Don’t do it, give yourself grace. Lasting change takes time, and it’s a process.

I know I’m one that wants to have instant gratification. I want to put the work in quickly and get to the end goal quickly.

While homemaking goals usually take time to achieve and become habits, once a habit is set it becomes much easier to stick with that goal.

To run our homes smoothly, we need to set goals that will help us achieve what we ultimately want for our families.

Making homemaking goals can help us work towards the home we want to build for our family. But I know that setting goals as a homemaker can be daunting.

It’s easy to feel like we don’t have the time, or we don’t know where to start, But here’s the thing: you can do it! And it doesn’t have to be hard. Especially if you start small! Going after your homemaking goals you will find that you are more organized, productive, and successful in your tasks.

A little each day, each week, each month, and each year. As we build the home and life we want you will find that our families will be all the better for it too.

Inspiration for your homemaking journey

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